2023-07-29 10:21 AM
I am running a STWINBX1 with the latest v1.2.0 firm from the STM32CubeFunctionPack_DATALOG2_V1.2.0.
I have compiled and uploaded the DATALOG2-STWIN.Box firmware successfully. I am using the ST BLE Sensor App v5.0.0 on my iPhone to configure and run the "High Speed Data Log 2" option. I configure the sensors (using the accelerometers only) and start and stop logging successfully.
All good, but now I go to covert the .dat files to CSV files for processing using:
python hsdatalog_data_export.py d:\20230729_10_57_37 -f CSV -d
I am flooded with multiple lines like this in the terminal:
2023-07-29 11:00:52,572 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at -3.2819972584109675e+296 sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 11:00:52,573 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at -3.2819972584109675e+296 sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
Or for another sensor
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,672 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
2023-07-29 10:54:47,673 - HSDatalogApp.st_hsdatalog.HSD.HSDatalog_v2 - WARNING - Sensor iis2dlpc_acc: corrupted data at nan sec (HSDatalog_v2.py:564)
Of course the data in the CSV file is corrupt, but mostly it looks like the Time column is the issue......the accelerometer data seems reasonable.
I am at a loss how the time stamp data can be so messed up. I didn't have this issue with the previous version (v1.1) of the software but can't prove it.
Q: Any ideas how to troubleshoot this? No error messages, no debug data to diagnose.
Thank You
2023-08-16 6:48 AM
Thanks!! At the moment I am using mainly the IIS3DWB but its recording at 27Khz, so quite a high datarate.
2023-08-20 7:29 AM
I tried running in USB mode with the IIS3DWB running at max 27kHz and the IIS2DLPC and ISM330DHCX both running at about 200Hz. I ran it for a a couple minutes and then converted all the files. Good news is that it converted them all with no issue and no errors, bad news is that it's not very helpful for solving your issue. I will try to run again with a "cheap & slow" SD card to see if that may trigger the issue.
Stay tuned.
2023-08-23 5:27 AM
Hi @WP
Just a brief comment. data+timestamp are sent by the BLE app or by the host PC (once started a data collection via USB). If there is no connection, the board cannot know the absolute time and date. That's why folder has only a sequential name.
This is the expected folder name format (already used also in previous DATALOG2 versions).
Best regards
2023-08-23 5:33 AM
Just for your knowledge:
the issue from @nicolas_tudarmstadt is discussed also here and here
@WP can you confirm that your issue is solved?
Best regards
2023-08-26 6:59 AM
Yes, I'm good now...problem resolved.
Thank You