2016-05-25 9:57 AM
Hello everyone. This is my first posting on this forum. I am an electrical engineering major completing a senior design project. I am designing a smartwatch and I purchased the STEVAL MKI159V1 motion sensor and this will be my first time working with the Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer and my first time working with a motion sensor. My question is where can I find instructions on how to connect the STEVAL MKI159V1 that contains the LSM9DS1 to the Raspberry PI 3 via the I2C connection on the Raspberry PI 3.? This was not taught in my EE education and I want to make sure it is connected correctly. I plan on measuring the motion sensor data and eventually filtering out any noise. Thank you for any input you can give me.
#mems2016-06-29 8:04 AM
Hello Jose,
I already send response to the forum, but thanks to ''well-designed'' ST pages nothing was send and whole work is gone. So again from scratch.
I am not an expert for Raspberry, but I2C is the same everywhere. I will try to answer the question.
You can download schematic for MKI159V1 and datasheet for LSM9DS1 from ST web.
MKI159V1 Pin Raspberry GPIO Pin
13 9 (GND)
1,2,18,19,23 1 (DC power 3.3 V) 22 1 or 9 (I2C address selection, refer to datasheet) 20 5 (I2C SCL) 21 3 (I2C SDA) 20 Pull-up resistor 3k3 to pin 1 21 Pull-up resistor 3k3 to pin 1This is the minimal configuration.
If you want to use interrupts for Raspberry notification you have to still connect MKI159V1 pins 14..17 to GPIO pins of Raspberry.I hope that this will help.
Best Regards,