2014-02-12 8:44 AM
I am trying to use the LIS3DH in FIFO Mode with Filter enabled.In this mode, the X-Axis, and Y-Axis values get some normal values (they oscillate between -10 and +10) but the Z-Axis value seems to have a bypass to the filter mode, the Z-Axis gives for example -616 witch is not the value for Z-Axis if i disable FIFO and Filter.Is this some kind of limitation of LIS3DH? or am i making something wrong at initialization.In my initialization code the registers are initialized with the following values:CTRL_REG1 = 0x17CTRL_REG2 = 0x88CTRL_REG3 = 0x00CTRL_REG4 = 0x40CTRL_REG5 = 0x40CTRL_REG6 = 0x00FIFO_CTRL_REG = 0x40Thank YouArtur Vieira2014-02-19 1:31 AM
There seem to bee a limitation in LIS3DH regarding using FIFO, HP-FILTER and the Z-axiseven though
it is not documented (yet?). The reply I got from the support team was that if this functionality was require the they suggested using the LIS2DH.2014-02-19 9:28 AM
thanks for the feedback.There i go redesign the PCB, since the footprint is not the same between LIS2D and LIS3D.thanks2014-02-20 12:55 AM
Please notice that I have not yet worked with the LIS2DH, and can there for not confirm that the HP+FIFO configuration actual works on the Z-axis, and can't find and other source of confirmation on this.
2014-02-20 3:21 AM
I have asked to my local ST distributor if the LIS2DH has any problem for this kind of application.I am waiting for his confirmation.Thanks2014-02-21 1:27 AM
Just to update.I get the confirmation from ST that there is a problem with LIS3DH when using FIFO + HP-Filter and Z-Axis.Also get the confirmation, that LIS2 does not suffer from this problem.