2021-06-06 9:12 PM
LSM6DOXTR , I m reading this sensor by configuring 0x10 and 0x11 modules to 0x60 and 0x60 as show in user guide by ST but the values I get of accelerometer are correct while gyro value jump to 0 to 255 as I am only reading MSB. LSB is changing rapidly
2021-06-06 11:37 PM
What if, youre reading a signed int8_t as if it was unsigned uint8_t?
That would explain your overflows
2021-06-07 1:23 AM
I tried this i tried both uint8_t and int8_t getting same result , values are in buffRead[1],[3],[5]
2021-06-07 1:29 AM
what do you mean with same result?
You would expect different behaviours from reading a signed or unsigned variable.
2021-06-07 1:36 AM
I mean the variation in value value still jump as you can see in the image