2022-11-18 1:31 AM
I set up on STM32CubeX my F401RE to realize the motion FX algorithm (find rotation euler angles, quaternion) with my ISM330DHCX dil 24 socket (Steval mkv207v1) sensor (AccGyr).
But can't get any data on Unicleo. May be that some configurations are bad. If you have some experience in this type of project mith this sensor I am a taker.
I share my project with you.
Have a good day.
2022-12-08 3:33 AM
Hello, I tried your code and it works perfectly with only one minor but important change - if you have in your HW setup SA0 pin of the ISM330DHCX connected to VDD (like I do), you need to change the I2C address to high. See attached picture of the file/function/fixed value highlighted.
2022-12-08 3:37 AM
The comment
/* SA0 = GND */
is not valid anymore when I changed it from L to H, now it should be
/* SA0 = VDD */
but it's not important, just wanted to mention it to avoid misunderstanding. When you change it in in CubeMX and regenerate the code, the comment will change automatically to VDD.
2022-12-12 6:23 AM
Thanks a lot for your answer Petr. I will change this immediatly.
Have a good day.