2017-03-21 4:28 AM
Recently I worked on LSM9dS0,
LSM9dS1 and LM303D sensor.
Now, I have LSM9dS1 raw data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope & Magnetometer. Project is based on car driving safety system. So I want to know how can I calculate the Acceleration from LSM9sS1 in terms of Km/hr.
Later, I want to detect some other things also like Accident detection, Rash Driving, Car tow, Harsh braking using sensor fusion application.
Please share your opinion.
Thank you.
#lsm9ds1 #sensor-fusion2017-09-27 7:18 AM
Accelerometer measures acceleration, so to get the information about the velocity you have to integrate the value.
ST provides sensor fusion library MotionFX in
software package.2017-12-22 8:20 AM
The sensor fusion library is not dependent on specific sensor. You can create your own project which will read accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data from LSM9DS1 a pass them to the sensor fusion library which will calculate the outputs.
LSM9DS1 is not directly supported in X-CUBE-MEMS1 package, and won't be in the future, because it is quite old sensor. But you can use it as example or template and add LSM9DS1 by yourself.
For best results I would recommend you to use modern sensor like LSM6DSL + LIS2MDL.
2017-12-22 9:10 AM
I recently checked the X-CUBE-MEMS1 library, but it seems that LSM9DS1 is not one of the supported sensor. Is there an easy way to add support to this sensor? Or would the support be added officially in near future? I am a student very new in this aera.
2017-12-23 1:41 PM
Thank you.