2020-07-03 2:25 AM
Hello Everyone,
for the LSM9DS1 )DOF board. I am trying to use the associated low pass filters for the gyroscope and accelerometer and maybe I am doing a wrong confiugration and I want to be sure.
It is not clear for me how to do that specifically for the accelerometer. In page 45 of the Manual ( 7.12 CTRL_REG1_G) it is stated that the frequencies and cutoff frequencies are for LPF1 and LPF2 when both gyroscope and accelerometer are activated. However, the block diagram is only for the gyroscope or should I assume the same block diagram for the acclerometer ? ( Figure 28)
Again , is this only specific for the gyroscope or is it sufficient for both gyroscope and accelerometer ?
My main problem is that I assumed it is not enough and I also edited the accelerometer control registers and then I started getting faulty raw data. To be more specific , I edited CTRL_REG7_XL ( page 52) to operate in HR mode and the FDS to be 1 and this is when I get wrong values for the accelerometer
Also If I want to use LPF1 and LPF2 and ignore HPF , Am I supposed to edit CTRL_REG2_G (page 47) OUT_SEL[1-0] = 10 ?
Thank you,
2020-07-06 5:35 AM
Any answer or help ?
2020-07-06 8:10 AM
Hi @HSafy.1 , I believe you are well interpreting the datasheet. The filters configured in the CTRL_REG1_G register refer to the gyro only but are effective when both gyro and axl are enabled. On the other hand, the CTRL_REG7_XL regulates the axl LP filter (try also to not enable the FDS bit). Btw, please consider that the ODR acts as natural LP filter according th the Nyquist theorem.
I suggest you to check the standard C drivers on Github repository for LSM9DS1, especially the lsm9ds1_read_data_polling.c file. In particular, there is a section related to the filter configurations for both accelerometer and gyroscope.
/* Configure filtering chain - See datasheet for filtering chain details */
/* Accelerometer filtering chain */
lsm9ds1_xl_filter_aalias_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_AUTO);
lsm9ds1_xl_filter_lp_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_LP_ODR_DIV_50);
lsm9ds1_xl_filter_out_path_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_LP_OUT);
/* Gyroscope filtering chain */
lsm9ds1_gy_filter_lp_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_LP_ULTRA_LIGHT);
lsm9ds1_gy_filter_hp_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_HP_MEDIUM);
lsm9ds1_gy_filter_out_path_set(&dev_ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_LPF1_HPF_LPF2_OUT);
2020-07-07 7:12 AM
Hello @Eleon BORLINI Thanks for your answer !
Can you please be more illustrative with this sentence " please consider that the ODR acts as natural LP filter according to the Nyquist theorem" ? and if it acts as a natural LP filter, so for example , what would be the associated cutoff frequency for a sampling frequency of 952 Hz ? I am just trying to understand :)
Also why would you recommend me not to change the FDS bit ? what could happen if I activate the accelerometer filters ?
I will check the repositories as well. Thanks !
Best Regards,
2020-07-07 7:42 AM
Hi Hesham, I mean that if you acquire data with an ODR 952Hz, you will be able to reconstruct a (sine) signal of maximum ODR/2, i.e. 476Hz (except from an aliasing effect). About the FDS bit, you should enable it to set the accelerometer LP filter, but I understood you are getting wrong values for the accelerometer, so you could try to disable it and check if the data are well. Regards