2013-10-11 11:27 PM
I'm working on LSM9DS0 with STMEVAL-MKI109V2,using 4-wire SPI communication?read gyro's WAI reg is ok if keep CS_G=0 and CS_XM = 1 after EVAL board power on, but if CS_G=0 after CS_G=1 and CS_XM = 1,read WAI reg, MCU can't get any response(SDO=0xFF always),can anyone explain me why? I would be grateful if anyone could post LSM9DS0 SPI communication code.thanks. #lsm9ds0-4-wire-spi #psm9ds0-purchase2013-11-07 2:27 PM
this is my configuration, I am not using an STM32 but I mounted 3 of these devices and they work fine. I have huge problems with the magnetometer in 8 and 12 gauss range and to me this device is not saturating with 12 gauss of magnetic field applied and is starting to behave bad sending weird magnetometer data Data coming out are without any sense. Even with 2 and 4 gauss range after a region the magnetometer is saturated it starts to send weird data when the magnets gets close. The only way to have it working is to use 2 or 4 gauss range ... that is not the way I am intended to use it: :( void lsm9ds0_XM_init(){ P1_1 = LOW; U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = CTRL_REG1_XM; while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = (ACC_400_Hz_A | xyz_en_A); while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; P1_1 = HIGH; halMcuWaitUs(10); P1_1 = LOW; U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = CTRL_REG5_XM; while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = (M_HRES | M_0DR_100); while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; P1_1 = HIGH; halMcuWaitUs(10); P1_1 = LOW; U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = CTRL_REG6_XM; while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = (M_FS_2); // 2 Gauss Range while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; P1_1 = HIGH; halMcuWaitUs(10); P1_1 = LOW; U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = CTRL_REG7_XM; while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; U1DBUF = (M_CONV_CONT); while (!U1TX_BYTE); U1TX_BYTE = 0; P1_1 = HIGH; } You can find the settings in this part I just copied here from my attached header file ________________ Attachments : lsm9ds0.h : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzJn&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bJi%2FVCwhmQHMEHIKqpq4RugE5d3YXd1DP_FENUr9TM5Ijsw&asPdf=false2013-11-28 11:31 AM
How did you purchase the LSM9DS0 module to plug into the eval board? I have the base eval board, but am told the LSM9DS0 plug in is not ready yet. Dave Bassett2014-02-05 4:00 AM
Hello David,
In order to obtain the LSM9DS0 module for the emotion board you will have to provide me atmailto:thiago.reis@st.com
the below information so I can re-direct you for your ST´s local representatives. - Application - Company - Location - Anual production volume Thank you very much, Thiago REIS