2019-01-24 2:14 AM
Good morning,
I am trying to read the WHO_AM_I register from LSM6DSO, but it doesn't respond as needed. I will attach a picture from signal analyzer (D0 is CS, D1 is CLK, D2 is MISO, D3 is MOSI). It looks like its respond is 0x50 instead of 0x6C. What should I change?
I tried with a MAX32630 and it was working (8 bits transfer mode).
When I try with RS14100 (16 bits mode) it responds with 0x50 instead of 6C.
2019-01-24 10:10 AM
If it is still the same as before, MEMS start in SPI 3 wires. First write the control register to go to 4 wires, then read back the WHO_I_AM, or manage the SPI 3 wire by shorting MISO and MOSI on the same line.