2019-01-03 10:32 PM
I am currently working on LSM6DSO.
I am configuring it for wake up motion and Free fall interrupt generation in INT1 and INT2 pins.
I am configuring it with below configuration.
dataToWrite = 0x60;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(CTRL1_XL, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x60;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(CTRL2_G, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x10;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(TAP_CFG0, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x80;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(TAP_CFG2, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x00;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(WAKE_UP_DUR, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x02;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(WAKE_UP_THS, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x33;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(FREE_FALL, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x10;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(MD1_CFG, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0x20;
DemoApp_I2cWrite(MD2_CFG, dataToWrite);
Though i am also reading ALL_INT_SRC and WAKE_UP_SRC registers for confirmation of event generation.
My problem is i can see that wake up or free fall event is generated in ALL_INT_SRC and WAKE_UP_SRC registers but there is no signal on INT1 and INT2 pins.
I am using STM32L151 controller to detect the interrupt and set interrupt as rising edge interrupt.
Any help in that?
2019-01-04 1:04 AM
Found the issues
2019-02-05 1:15 AM
How did you solved the problem?
2019-02-25 9:38 PM
Problem was not from sensor side it was from my side, i was making error in addressing the particular register