2019-03-26 3:04 PM
The spec sheet contradicts itself on this question. What does the chip actually expect/do?
SPI is an "big endian" protocol at the bit level, where the MSb of each byte is transmitted first on the wire and the LSb of each byte is transmitted last. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the LSM6DS3's spec sheet, Figure 8, page 37, DocID 026899 Rev 10, the SDI and SDO bits are shown being transmitted with their MSb's first. For address, input data, and output data, the first bits are shown as R/W, DI7, and DO7 respectively. This appears to comply with the SPI industry standard.
However, in the text below Figure 8 on the same page, it says "the first bit (bit 0) starts at the first falling edge of SPC...". It then goes on to describe the bits, *starting* with "bit 0: R/W bit".
Thus the diagram and the text appear to contradict each other. I can spin this into "agreement" by saying that the text's "bit 0" is the figure's "bit 7" but that's really stretching things.
I'm asking because we're having a hard time getting the LSM6DS3 to communicate over SPI. Communication to other SPI devices is working great, it's just the LSM6DS3 that is having trouble, so we started looking for anything "special" about the LSM6DS3 that might be "different" and we ran across this oddity in the spec sheet.
Can anyone confirm which bit the LSM6DS3 transmits and receives first? Most specifically, is the R/W bit transmitted at the beginning of the address byte, or at the end of the address byte?
Thank you!
2019-03-27 9:28 AM
hi IDEngineer, the first transmitted bit (called "bit0") is the B[7] of the first byte (so, correctly, MSB first). In case of the ADDRESS transmission, the R/W bit is like the ADDR[7] (first transmitted bit before the ADDR).
Btw, when you read the dataout of e.g. axl on x axis you get the OUTX_H_XL and the OUTX_L_XL and you can select the transmission order setting BLE bit in the CTRL3_C (12h) register.
2019-03-27 1:49 PM
Thank you for confirming the bit order. Calling the first transmitted bit "bit 0" when it's actually data "bit 7" raises a pretty fundamental question!
Yes, I'm aware of the BLE flag, thank you. Had to make sure how to send R/W and an address to the chip before I need to worry about the received data order.
Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it!
2019-03-28 12:22 AM
you're welcome. Maybe quite misleading, but hope well now. Regards