2016-08-11 4:03 AM
I am working on STEVAL-MKI160V1 board which has LSM6DS3 sensor. I want to interface board to AARDVARK I2C/SPI adapter using which I can generate I2C/SPI signals to the sensor. I connected sensor board to adapter, using SPI serial protocol, which gives 00 when I read WHO_AM_I register. If I interchange MISO and MOSI connections, it gives FF to the same register. What does these output values try to tell me. What should I understand? can any one help me. I could succeed reading WHO_AM_I register by using I2C.
2016-10-07 9:56 AM
please check if you have CS at low level during SPI communication.
2018-07-07 11:33 PM
Hello, I have the same issues with the LSM6DS3 when I use SPI to communicate. The WHO_AM_I value that I read is 0x40, and I can't read and write register. I measured the CS, and it is low during the reading process. Any idea about this.
2018-07-09 4:06 AM
What is your SPI configuration?
Do you have a scope or logic analyzer which you can use to capture the SPI communication? It would be very helpful.