2020-06-17 8:23 PM
Dear Sir,
I am an engineer working on the design of a navigation system for an automatic guided vehicle. We are using LSM6DS3 for navigation. I am facing an issue with the LSM6DS3 gyroscope. When I am reading the value of gyroscope at a static position, I am getting a very large value of X, Y, and Z-axis of the gyroscope. But it should be zero for the X and Y axis of gyroscope because the sensor is not in a state of rotation.
Would you please guide me what are the main causes of this?
Kindly find the attachment of the figure of gyroscope data at the stationery position.
2020-06-24 9:05 AM
Hi @MHass.1 , quite strange values... Are you sure you are correctly communicating via SPI / I2C with the device? Or are you decoding well the data you are receiving (in continuous mode)? Can you correctly read the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register (value is 69h)? I suggest you to compare your code with the one on Github repository for LSM6DS3, and in particular the lsm6ds3_read_data_polling.c. Regards
2020-07-06 8:48 PM
Dear Sir,
Thanks so much.
I am using same method to read the IMU data. Would you please tell me does we need to calibrate the sensor?
2020-07-07 6:34 AM
I see I've answered in a similar way to you, this morning... Are the two questions related, right? Are you using SPI communication (mode 3?) Regards