2019-02-24 4:33 PM
We're designing the LSM6DS3 into an existing product that already uses a 2V5 supply rail. The LSM6DS3's spec sheet says that running it at 2V5 is well within spec, but all of the examples refer to a 1V8 supply. Is there any reason that a 2V5 supply is UNdesireable? Generally we try hard to run parts at the recommended or example supply voltages. In this retrofit case it would be very convenient to use the existing 2V5 rail, but not if the part really works better in some way with a 1V8 supply.
2019-03-04 12:37 PM
Bump... can't believe no one has opined on this topic. I tried submitting a ticket, but they just said "Post it in the forums". Sigh.