2020-05-02 12:50 PM
I am just kind of confused that LISM3MDL (which is just an magnetometer) has scalable range from ±4 up to ±16 gauss. LSM303AGR has magnetic range ±49.152 gauss.
Accelerometer of LSM303AGR has same range and sensitivty as magnetometer LISM3MDL but in unit g.
Am I having a mistake in thinking?
2020-05-04 9:22 AM
Hi @amuel.1 , you have to consider that in ST sensor portfolio there are basically two stand-alone magnetometers: the LIS2MDL and the LIS3MDL. They are intended to adress slightly different targets (variable FS adn variable sensitivity / low noise / stability, and so on). There are indeed products that are combinations of stand-alone sensors: the LSM303AGR, an e-compass that embeds the LIS2MDL sensor and the LSM9DS1, an iNemo 9-axis sensor that includes the scalable LIS3MDL. But there isn't a direct relation between embedded sensors (e.g. the magnetometer and the accelerometer): the two ASICs (the electronic circuit that converts the analog output of the pure sensor into a digital data). Regards