2017-10-09 3:07 PM
I am looking for the MTBF/FIT rate for LIS3DSHTR Accelerometer, with Confidence Level, Test Temperature and Activation Energy.
Thank you.
2017-10-09 9:51 PM
this kind of information cannot be shared over the community discussion.
Can you please send the request through the/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.st.com%2Fcontent%2Fmy_st_com%2Fen%2Fsupport%2Fonline-support.html
2017-10-23 9:28 PM
I'm using LIS3DSH accelerometer with Evaluation board STEVAL-MKI134V1 (LIS3DSH) ,with the configuration of
1600 Hz sampling frequency, 800 Hz analog filter,full scale +/- 2g,in stream mode,I'm using this sensor for collecting vibration data in my project,I'm getting 1 g in x-axis according sensor placement,but getting some offset in Y axis,like
i attached plot of vibration, I'm getting offset in Y axis below 100 Hz,Please can you tell what is the problem.
Thanks & regards,
Ch. Sai Chaitanya.