2017-03-09 11:13 AM
Hi fellows,
on setting up an LIS2DH12 I wonder what settings to use for those registers:
HPCF1/2: couldn't find this in the datasheet...CTRL_REG5:How shall I enter '- -' ?
And what's gonna happen with D4D_INT1?
I got the impression that this value is to read, not to write...CTRL_REG6:
Again, some '- -' values without comments...We're not gonna use the INTs (at the moment).
2017-03-10 1:45 AM
Please check the application note
for more details.In chapter 3.3.1 you will find cut off frequencies for all HPCF configurations.
In chapter 6 you will find details about 6D/4D detection interrupts.
You can write '0' into bits which are not used in
CTRL_REG6 registers.
2017-03-10 6:56 AM
Wow, thanks for your reply.
In fact I've found the AN5005. But I didn't assume it contains information the datasheet doesn't
A hint in the datasheet below the reg-mapping table for the HPCF would be nice!At least a default-value if someone doesn't use the highpass filter should be mentioned in the datasheet.