2020-07-26 8:50 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm using lis2dh12 for acceleration measurement. In the datasheet, I find the typical zero-g offset accuracy is +/-40mg. When the device is placed horizontally, the reading of X-axis and Y-axis should be 0. For most of our devices, they work well, the reading is within 40mg when placed horizontally. But there is a device the X-axis reading is always about +100mg, no matter facing up or facing down. Is this a normal operation? Can you please help us analysis the reason?
Sorry for my English, I hope my question is clear.
Best regards
2020-07-26 11:20 PM
Are you talking about a custom board ?
Perhaps heat stress from soldering ? Or mechanical stress, from soldering while pressing on it ?
I have no specific experience with the LIS2DH12.
Are the measurements of that device plausible otherwise, e.g. about +-1g when turning the x axis up/down ?
2020-07-26 11:35 PM
Thank you very much for asking my question.
When I turn x axis up to down, the reading from 1101mg to -933mg.
If it's because of the soldering or mechanical, When I turn z axis up to down, the errors of x axis also should became an opposite number, for example from(100, 0, -1000) to (-100, 0, 1000). Is it that? The fact is (100, 0, -1000) to (100, 0, 1000).