2017-06-08 2:05 AM
I set the data rate (ODR) to 400Hz in high resolution mode with fifo stream mode enable of LIS2SH12.
For 3 minutes measurement test, I excepted to receive 72000 (400 * 60 * 3) data for each axis, however I only received around 68220 number of data, which the data rate is around 379Hz (~5% tolerance).
I also tested with two other LIS2DH12 samples, one is 378Hz, and the other one is 399Hz.
Therefore I suppose the data rate has tolerance with it.
Myy question are:
1 Since the data sheet only provide the
'typical' value, any application note describe the tolerance of data rate?
2 Is it possible to calibrate the data rate with register setting?
Thank you very much.
#lis2dh12 #odr #fifo #data-rate2017-06-12 5:54 AM
Unfortunately the tolerance of data rate is not guaranteed and not described in the datasheet and it is not possible to calibrate the data rate.
The value 5% which you measured seems possible to me.
If you need to know the exact output put data rate you can measure it by a microcontroler using data ready interrupt signal.