2024-04-26 2:02 AM
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to use a NUCLEO-F401RE, a X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1, and a STEVAL-MKI197v1 and the following software: v3.2.0.4544 AlgoBuilder, v1.25.1.11665 Unicleo-GUI, v1.15.0 STM32CubeIDE, v6.11.0 STM32CubeMX and the X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD and x-CUBE-MEMS1 software packages (everything running on windows 11).
First I didnt use AlgoBuider
I selected every sensor each board has on the x-cube-mems1 (package) and build it using CubeIDE (no error or warnings), but the Unicleo-GUI shows only the X-NUCLEO sensors, being unable to switch between (for example) the different Gyr/Acc sensors.
If i dont select the board extension IKS02A1 CubeIDE gives no trouble (0 error and warnings) but the Unicleo-GUI doesnt recognice my board and i get stuck here:
(note: If i select to list all coms it appears, but shows nothing and cannot start)
When I try to create a custom firmware for AlgoBuilder, if I select the Algo custom aplication option without the MEMS IKS board extension. I copy the project into the path /STMicroelectronics/AlgoBuilder/FirmwareTemplate but it doesnt show up on the AlgoBuilders Target display. and I cannot even choose the option of just the IKS02A1 alone as a template.
(Note: I downloaded an already made custom firmware for a different board as a test and it appears, so its the correct path)
Any help on both this problems would be so greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-06-14 3:17 AM - edited 2024-06-14 3:20 AM
If you didn't implement those GetOrientation functions correctly as stated above you're getting data from other than expected orientation and that's why the result is NAN - NotANumber. The code example I wrote you above is valid for IKS01A3 but if your sensor in your HW setup is oriented differently than LSM6DSO in IKS01A3/L476, your orientation "strings" have to be different.
2024-06-17 11:33 PM
Thanks, since I had two parallel project directories I didn't realized I updated the code only in one of them, it is now working