2018-10-05 6:43 AM
i use iis2dh (STEVAL-MKI168V1) on Arduino Due through spi.
unfortunately, the y axis does not respond (I tried 3 development boards!).
if instead use STEVAL-MKI135V1 board the same firmware works.
could someone help me?
best regards,
2018-10-05 6:48 AM
It is really strange, the communication with both devices is the same.
What data do you get from IIS2DH and LIS2DH?
What sensor driver do you use?
2018-10-05 7:10 AM
in one case I use a lib made by me, in the other case i use SparkFunLIS3DH lib.
When I use SparkFunLIS3DH lib on STEVAL-MKI135V1 board no I have problems on the three axes.
When I use SparkFunLIS3DH lib on STEVAL-MKI168V1 board only the y axis is fixed.
(I correctly receive the WHO_AM_I)
if I change the resolution (+-16 g), then something changes.
In IIS2dh I use continuous mode without Interrupts.
2018-10-08 9:58 AM
someone could send me an example of a basic setting for iis2dh?.
I'm using Arduino but I can not read anything correctly.
Best regards,
2020-01-29 4:13 AM
Hi Francesco,
I am trying developing a Vibration Meter, can you please be so kind to share with me your project with Due? Short schematic and, if you don't mind, the sketch?
Thank you very much