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hts221 SPI driver

Posted on June 05, 2016 at 03:20

hi, I'm using the HTS221 humidity and temperature sensor along with the STM32F205. They are connected over the SPI bus but I am unable to get the STM32F205's SPI communications working correctly. Can anyone recommend some known to work sample code for this combination of devices?


Doug Burrell

Associate II
Posted on June 15, 2016 at 10:35


follows an SPI layer implementation example for STM32L1xx family.

First of all you have to download the HTS221 drivers from ST website:

1. In HTS221_Driver.h you have to remap the following functions used for I2C

#define HTS221_ReadReg(RegAddr, NumByteToRead, Data) HAL_ReadReg(HTS221_I2C_ADDRESS, RegAddr, NumByteToRead, Data)

#define HTS221_WriteReg(RegAddr, NumByteToWrite, Data) HAL_WriteReg(HTS221_I2C_ADDRESS, RegAddr, NumByteToWrite, Data)

With the following

#define HTS221_ReadReg(RegAddr, NumByteToRead, Data) HAL_ReadReg_SPI (RegAddr, NumByteToRead, Data)

#define HTS221_WriteReg(RegAddr, NumByteToWrite, Data) HAL_WriteReg_SPI( RegAddr, NumByteToWrite, Data)

2. The user must properly redefine the own HAL_ReadReg_SPI and HAL_WriteReg_SPI functions .

This implementation is linked to the hardware used and to the library used.

Attached a file .txt including an example for SPI functions based on STM32L1xx_Spi standard library.

You have to get this example and adapt it for STM32F205 library.

3. The user must properly initialize GPIO according the hw used-> configure 3-wire SPI serial data input /output (SDI/SDO),CLK and CHIP Select

4. The user must properly initialize the SPI interface according the hw used -> In .txt file you can find an example: see HAL_Init_SPI() function

Summarizing the steps are listed below:

1. Initialize GPIO (hw based)

2. Initialize SPI (hw based)

3. Remap functions in HTS221_Driver.h , including file own HAL_Implementation.h file.

4. In OWN HAL_Implementation.c ,the user must write the source code for HAL_ReadReg_SPI and HAL_WriteReg_SPI (Along the lines of the example reported in .txt file)




Attachments :

Example_SPI_STM32L1xx.txt :