2018-03-27 12:03 AM
I implemented the software for the HTS221 in my project and all is working.
But what I find strange is this, some calibration coefficients are negative!
H0_T0_OUT is -2
H1_T0_OUT = -11728
Although they are negative, the reading for temperature is OK (seems to be < 1 degrees lower than my reference )
But the Humidity reading is 10% off ( too low)
Now in the examples from the datasheet, the coefficients were positive.
For example my reading of H_T_OUT = - 784. and in the datasheet it is 5000
Why are these coeficients in the s16 format? Can they be really negative? They are like raw ADC value's right?
Regards Remco
2018-03-29 6:28 AM
Yes, the coefficients can be negative.
What is you reference humidity sensor?
2018-04-04 3:29 AM
My Reference is an Extech RH101 meter. I have 3 HTS sensors and they are all 10 to15% lower than this reference.