2019-10-20 8:15 AM
I am using the industrial IIS2DH accelerometer in my vibration analysis product. I need only pure acceleration values in all directions. So at any state if the device is stable (or in constant speed), it should give (0.0,0.0,0.0) roughly.
2019-10-20 11:04 PM
Measure at rest, store as calibration value, and subtract at runtime.
2019-10-21 6:23 AM
plz check also this thread, if can be of your interest. You could apply the embedded IIS2DH HP filter (CTRL_REG2 (21h) bits, see p.34 of the datasheet), if you need to monitor only acceleration variation above a certain frequency. But as per similar threads, Ozone suggestion must be the preferred one. Regards