2021-01-18 2:34 AM
Hi !
I am trying to do what I feel is a rather simple thing, which is doing the exact same thing as the demo firmware provided as an STM32CubeExpansion for testing the CCA02M1 MEMS microphones on a Nucleo L476RG.
So far, I have gotten to the point where the USB descriptor are properly initialized and I can the board as a microphone as Audacity. There is absolutely no sound coming out of it when I hit the record button however.
I have checked that the microphone works with the demo binary, so I know by solder bridge configuration is good.
I am trying to use a 48kHz sampling rate, with USB driven acquisition being disabled. I also noticed a few oddities alongside the "no sound in Audacity" bit:
Thanks in advance ! :)
2021-01-19 2:12 AM
Hi @Yumasi ,
I'm not a direct expert on audio configurations on MCUs, but let me try to answer anyway...
After checking that the solder bridges of the CCA02M1 have been correctly configured for the DFSDM (as described in the user manual of the CCA02M2 and as you probably have already done, since it is not the default configuration, my suggestion is to start from the original MEMSMIC1 firmware and simply verify that the parameter describing the sample frequency in the cca02m2_conf_template.h file is the desired one (and, if not, modify it). It looks like a sync problem among sample frequency and acquisition, and for this reason is important to well tune these two parameter.
2021-01-21 1:42 AM
Hi @Eleon BORLINI,
Thanks for your answer. The sampling frequency was indeed different between the MEMSMIC1 firmware, and my project. However, changing it to be the same as in the demo firmware made the board apparently sending so much USB messages it makes my host machine USB bus to reset itself. Do you know what my cause this ? My clock configuration for USB and DFSDM is the same as in the demo firmware.
2021-01-27 3:28 AM
Hi @Yumasi ,
that's very strange you have to reset the machine... can you try it on another PC?