2019-12-10 7:06 PM
I am trying to enable the STBOX1_PRINTF macro in the BLESensors application so I can mess around with the code and see the results. When I uncomment the STBOX1_ENABLE_PRINTF in STBOX1_config.h and rebuild/upload the firmware I can see two new devices appearing in the Device Manager (I am running Windows 10) when I connect the tile. One is a "USB Serial Device COM port" and the other is "STM32 Virtual COM port in FS Mode". Both of them appear to be disabled though: The Virtual COM Port says that it does not have the driver and the USB Serial Device says that "A device which does not exist was specified", which is probably a consequence of the first one.
My understanding is that Windows 10 should have all the required drivers, at least I was not able to find any downloads for Windows 10. Also, COM connection to my Nucleo board works fine.
So, am I missing anything in the setup, some other components that should be updated or configured?
I would really appreciate some advice here!
Thank you,
2019-12-10 7:09 PM
Also I see the same problem when I upload the DataLogExtended example.