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How to configure S4S sensor synchronization in LSM6DSRX module

Associate II

The iNEMO inertial module LSM6DSRX supports sensor synchronization S4S for Qualcomm. Sensor data sheet mentions following S4S registers without much detail.

  • S4S_TPH_L (04h) Sensor synchronization time frame register - low byte (r/w)
  • S4S_TPH_H (05h) Sensor synchronization time frame register - high byte (r/w)
  • S4S_RR (06h) Sensor synchronization resolution ratio register (r/w)
  • S4S_ST_CMD_CODE (60h) S4S master command register (r/w)
  • S4S_DT_REG (61h) S4S DT register (r/w)

Its not clear what values those S4S registers (TPH, CMD_CODE, DT_REG) should hold to function correctly.

Is there any application note describing how to configure S4S sensor synchronization on LSM6DSRX module.

Your help is much appreciated.

ST Employee

Hi @farid​ ,

Our devices support S4S which is a Qualcomm proprietary feature, which we therefore cannot document on ST apps. Please note that on ST datasheet is just reported state that it is supported. For a direct help, you should directly check with Qualcomm.
