2023-04-27 7:33 AM
There is precious little guidance for using Unico-GUI with external sensors on the Sensor-Hub of the ISM330DHCX. The Unico-GUI with the ProfiMEMS tools and the ISM330DHCX daughtercard doesn't seem to properly configure the sensor hub to enable communications with the external sensor.
How does one configure the Unico-GUI on profiMEMS to enable the Sensor Hub to write/read data on the external sensor?
It seems the STM32F401 micro should be responsible for configuring mode2 on the ISM330DHCX. How does one convince it to do so?
I'm monitoring the signals on the i2c bus and I see start/stop signals, but NO data transfer, despite having setup the Sensor Hub Registers.
I believe each accelerometer data ready should trigger the commands in the Sensor hub to write the read data command and read 2 bytes of sensor data into the FIFO. Not happening.
I must be missing something.
2023-04-28 2:09 AM
Hi @digger42 ,
Welcome to ST Community!
Unico-GUI doesn't support an external sensor in sensor hub.
You can use an adpter board with sensor hub integrated, such as STEVAL-MKI217V1.
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster :)
2023-04-28 10:59 AM
I am using Unico-GUI with the ProfiMEMS board (STEVAL-MKI109V3) and the ISM3300DHCX adapter (STEVAL-MKI207V1), and an ams-OSRAM sensor on the sensor-hub master i2c line.
My problems were 4-fold.
1: I connected the wiring backwards at some point. SDA and SCK were reversed.
2: I translated the SLAVE0_CONFIG->Slave0_numop field improperly to Hex, designating 4 byte response of 2 bytes.
3: I missed the fact that the MASTER_CONFIG->AUX_SENS_ON[1:0] field is encoded as "Number of Slaves - 1", so I was trying to read too many sensors.
4: I had to hand-code the Unico-GUI config for the sensor hub registers. They do not appear to be saved by default.
All my hand-coded config loads and enables the sensor hub and the slave0 commands, but it is not saved if I choose to save the config file from the tool. The sensor hub page appears to be ignored.
At any rate, by hand-coding the config and loading it, I am able to read sensor values from the external sensor.
What are the steps to ensure that the Sensor Hub configuration is saved?
2023-11-18 1:03 PM
Hello @Federica Bossi ,
I have a STEVAL-MKI227KA and I am wondering how I can use it in sensor hub mode with an ESP32 MCU. My goal is to generate decision trees based on the data from the STEVAL-MKI227KA and pressure sensors. I plan to read the pressure sensors in ESP32 and send the data to the lsm6dsv16x IMU sensor as an external sensor in sensor hub mode. I am wondering if it is possible to generate decision trees separately for the STEVAL-MKI227KA using UNICOGUI and generate a decision tree from the external sensor in sensor hub mode, and then combine them.
In other words, I need to generate decision trees using data from the IMU and pressure sensors. What is the most user-friendly way to achieve this? I have two pressure sensors (reading analog with ESP32, plan to send through I2C from ESP32 to IMU), STEVAL-MKI227KA (will be used through SPI), and STEVAL-MKI109V3.