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finding location without GPS


I am currently working on a project involving the SensorTile.Box and am seeking assistance with utilizing its gyroscope and accelerometer sensors to determine location in the absence of GPS signals. Specifically, I am interested in processing the sensor data on a PC, similar to how data is managed in the ST BLE Sensor App on mobile devices.

Could you please provide guidance on the following:

Data Monitoring: How can I monitor sensor data from SensorTile.Box on a PC? Are there any recommended software tools or libraries for this purpose?
Integration: How can I integrate and process gyroscope and accelerometer data to determine location? Any advice on using Kalman filters or other methods for this purpose would be greatly appreciated.
Resources: Are there any additional resources or documentation you can recommend that could assist me in this endeavor?

I am a student currently working on this project and would greatly appreciate any support or direction you can provide.


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@Eneasy wrote:

How can I integrate and process gyroscope and accelerometer data to determine location?

You can't determine location from just gyroscope and accelerometer data.

gyroscope and accelerometer data tell you about movement - not location.

If you know the starting point, then gyroscope and accelerometer data can tell you about movement from that point - so you could estimate the new location based on the movement from the reference point.

This is often used in conjunction with GNSS to estimate position while GNSS signal is temporarily lost - called "dead reckoning".

>>I am a student currently working on this project..

High School? Or a place with professors with domain knowledge of the topic you're discussing here? Can they direct you to some college level texts, or papers / thesis on the topic?

Can you code? Use a C Compiler, Python, MATLAB ?

Have you looked at OpenIMU ?

>>.. am seeking assistance with utilizing

This sounds an awful lot like *other* people working on your project, is that permitted, or is it supposed to be your work? Would suggest again discussing with your project supervisor, mentor, or colleagues. I suspect there's a lot of material, videos and tutorials on the SensorTile and related motion sensing / processing topics.

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