2018-10-03 5:39 AM
Section 4.2.3 of the application note for the LIS3DH sensor provides example register values for various sensor readings. For +/-2g at high resolution mode the typical sensitivity is 1mg/unit. When BLE=0, I see why registers 28h and 29h are E0h and 15h respectively (for a 350mg reading). However, I do not see how a 1g = 1000mg reading is 00h and 40h in those two registers. Would this not be for a sensor reading of 1024mg instead? I would think the sensor reading should be 80h and 3Eh to provide correct 1g result.
2018-10-03 5:47 AM
Also, I realize that at 12-bit resolution the output range is -2048 to +2047 and that mapping -2g to +2g to this range would have 1g mapping to 1024, but 350mg would not map to 350.
2018-10-04 1:04 AM
Please have a look at this discussion: