2021-03-16 9:22 AM
I am trying to get the LSMDSO32 to work with https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STMems_Linux_IIO_drivers branch 4.19 built on 5.4 kernel.
I am able to build the kernel image on 5.4
But when i try to insmod the modules i get the following errors.
Any one came across this or know what is the issue?
# insmod st_lsm6dso32.ko
[ 3073.698696] st_lsm6dso32: Unknown symbol devm_iio_kfifo_allocate (err -2)
[ 3073.706025] st_lsm6dso32: Unknown symbol devm_iio_triggered_buffer_setup (err -2)
insmod: failed to load st_lsm6dso32.ko: No such file or directory
# insmod st_lsm6dso32_i2c.ko
[ 3079.860966] st_lsm6dso32_i2c: Unknown symbol st_lsm6dso32_probe (err -2)
[ 3079.868030] st_lsm6dso32_i2c: Unknown symbol st_lsm6dso32_pm_ops (err -2)
insmod: failed to load st_lsm6dso32_i2c.ko: No such file or directory
device tree:
lsm6dso32@6a {
compatible = "st,lsm6dso32";
reg = <0x6a>;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-18 8:13 AM
Hi @SPrab.3 ,
yes, it is needed for the internal clock tree configuration, in particular the ADC2 one (see datasheet, p.28).
If you just need the temperature data you can set the minimum ODR, since temperature is an environmental parameter with a low changing rate.
2021-03-17 3:21 AM
Hi @SPrab.3 ,
I suggest you to post your observation directly on Github, in the Issue tab.
Our experts will reply you within few days, and mostly with the bug fixed if it is the case.
Let me please know if you have not already tried or in case there will be updates on the topic. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-03-17 11:29 AM
Also, i am trying to get the Temp readings thru I2C.
I see that there are 2 registers 0x20 and 0x21.
A simple i2c read does not seem to fetch the values (its on bus 2, chip add 0x6a)
# i2cget -fy 2 0x6a 0x20
# i2cget -fy 2 0x6a 0x21
whereas i can fetch the WHO_AM_I register
# i2cget -fy 2 0x6a 0xf
Anything else is needed to get the temp reads? may be is it because i cannot insert the module?
2021-03-18 4:31 AM
Hi @SPrab.3 ,
you first have to configure the ODR and power mode (and full scale) to get an output for the temperature data.
2021-03-18 7:58 AM
hello Eleon, thanks for the info. I did not quite see a register to configure the TODR. Does it need the accelerometer ODR and FS?
2021-03-18 8:13 AM
Hi @SPrab.3 ,
yes, it is needed for the internal clock tree configuration, in particular the ADC2 one (see datasheet, p.28).
If you just need the temperature data you can set the minimum ODR, since temperature is an environmental parameter with a low changing rate.
2021-03-18 9:17 AM
thank you