2020-07-14 6:25 AM
Hello everyone,
There is something I never understand about this type of project. In the project datasheet (X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1) as well as in many other projects I see this.
Easy portablility across different MCU families ? What does that mean exactly ? stmh7 is included?
Or is it just about the nuclear maps listed at the bottom of the picture?
These libraries (CCA02M1_AUDIO_H + CCA02M1_AUDIO_C) from the project (X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1) are they usable for an stmh7 map? how to adapt them (if possible).
If I create a project with cubeMX with an h7 nucleo and I add these libraries and update the peripherals it will work or the librairies provided is only included for some specific MCU?
2020-07-16 1:21 AM
Hi @UTANG.1 , after an internal alignment with our experts on this topic, I can say that you should tale into account 3 fundamental parts:
Please note that some H7 devices has the DFSDM peripheral / signal processing, to acquire and decimates mic PDM HW level, but other uC of the same famili don't have it…
2020-07-16 2:09 AM
Ps: Just to inform you that X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1 v5.4.0 has just been published on st.com:
The new example called HP_Microphones_Streaming for NUCLEO-F401 and NUCLEO-F746 is available, to support the MP23DB01HP microphone.
2020-07-16 3:02 AM
hi @Eleon BORLINI Thank you for your response,
So if I understood correctly, I can use the drivers CCA02M1_AUDIO_H + CCA02M1_AUDIO_C for (X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1) and CCA01M1_AUDIO_H + CCA01M1_AUDIO_C for (X-CUBE-SOUNDTER1) for my stmh7 card by updating only the peripherals configuration.
When you say: there are no specific driver for NucleoH7 boards, but they should be easily portable taking as reference the existing drivers of the board-related FW function packs (X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1 e X-CUBE-SOUNDTER1)
Can you explain in more detail how to proceed? What changes need to be made?
2020-07-16 3:13 AM
Hi @UTANG.1 , you are right for the first part of your comment. For the second part, you should contact the OLS support, or a sales and representatives contact from your area (because it includes the share of LUA subjected libraries). You can find the link HERE. Regards