2017-06-08 8:24 PM
I have using DM00171283 and I have requirement to operate accelorometer sensor for FIFO,stream,stream to FIFO and FIFIO bypass mode with 1hz,10hz and 25hz frequency with i2c protocol. Moreover, I have also operate this sensor for normal,high and low power mode for INT1 or INT2. So, for that I have configure some register value but I have not get proper data from it. Is there any conversion formula for x,y,z axis to be read?.Following registers which I have configure:
I2C_WriteByte(&ctrl_1,1,0x77);//low power 400hz
I2C_WriteByte(&ctrl_5,1,0xC0);//FIFO enable I2C_WriteByte(&fifo_ctrl,1,0x40);//mode selection I2C_WriteByte(&ctrl_3,1,0x06);//interrupt generateand then I have read all three axis value
I2C_ReadByte(&x_axis_H,1);I2C_ReadByte(&y_axis_L,1);I2C_ReadByte(&y_axis_H,1);I2C_ReadByte(&z_axis_L,1);I2C_ReadByte(&z_axis_H,1);so please provide some guidance for my query.