2020-03-16 4:53 AM
I am using Algobuilder to setup a dumb application to get the acceleration from the SensorTile.Box. I compile it using the BLE template and connect the box ST BLE Sensor Android App. The connection between the App and the Watson IoT Platform is correct and I see my device in the Platform dashboard but I do not get any data. Moreover, I hit start logging in the mobile phone App but no csv file is created. I even tried to use Unicleo GUI with BLE capability enabled but I cannot see anything because the PC Bluetooth configuration cannot connect to the Box.
If I compile the dumb application without the BLE template, everything works: I can get the data with Algobuilder and Unicleo GUI through the COM port.
What is wrong??
Last week I could connect to the Watson IoT Platform and get the data correctly and now, it does not work?
Any idea?
2020-03-16 9:10 AM
Hi @GRobl , pleasw find here below our answers:
>> I see my device in the Platform dashboard but I do not get any data. Moreover, I hit start logging in the mobile phone App but no csv file is created.
Firmware generated by AlgoBuilder is not compatible with ST BLE Sensor App so the data won’t be visible in the applications.
>> I even tried to use Unicleo GUI with BLE capability enabled but I cannot see anything because the PC Bluetooth configuration cannot connect to the Box.
It is necessary to pair the SensorTile.box in Windows, Windows 10 are mandatory, then it should work.
>> Last week I could connect to the Watson IoT Platform and get the data correctly and now, it does not work?
We didn’t do any change in AlgoBuilder or Unicleo-GUI recently so the problem should not be related to this tools, but I’m not sure how it could work before (see the first comment).
2020-03-16 11:20 AM
Thank you,
I'll try to focus on my two problems which are not related between each other: