2020-03-25 6:26 AM
The STBLESensor application is not only the smartphone application for interfacing the SensorTile.box with the user and for setting the Mode 1 and Mode 2 examples via BLE, but it is also the graphical interface for a lot of other ST demo boards, reference designs and application platforms, such as the Bluecoin and Bluecoin2 kits, the Sensortile one and a few NUCLEO-like platforms.
Among the user-platform interfacing features, this application allows sending the sensor data to a cloud provider and requires a mobile phone with a working Internet connection (otherwise, it remains disabled).
The application supports the following platforms:
For further details, please take a look at the user manual UM2499 (LINK)
2020-03-25 6:27 AM
Tipical STBLE Sensor Cloud screen