2021-10-01 12:02 AM
Hi, I am using Motor Control workbench to run the motor using Nucleo-F446RE and X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1. Initially I used Main Sensor "Observer+PLL" and auxiliary sensor "Hall Sensor" and I can able to control the motor. Now our requirement is to use only hall sensor as Main sensor. In this case the motor is able to run but at a fixed speed and not varying to any change in parameters.
Thank you.
Vijay Ganisetti.
2021-10-06 01:15 AM
Hi Cedric,
I tried measuring Estimated and Hall Elec. angles using Graph in Motor Pilot. But cannot increase the no. of cycles? Can I able to change the x-axis scaling? Because its difficult to calculate placement electrical angle using this reading.
2021-10-06 06:29 AM
Hello @Community member ,
Good progress, your plot is pretty nice, I think you have already something functional with Hall sensors as primary sensor, even if it is not optimal.
We are thinking of an application on top of mPilot to automatize all this process.
From what I see, the angle computing by the Hall sensor algo is Ok. so the Issue with your oscilloscope plot is probably due to a signal conflict on your board with DAC output.
Anyway, the shift can be tuned by dichotomy, the variable to change is HALL_M1->PhaseShift you can change it while your motor is spinning.
(another option would be to record the plot, and do a post processing with a tool like scilab or matlab.)
2021-10-06 06:31 PM
Hi @cedric H ,
I calculate the angle displacement by manual calculation and find it is equal to 300 degree(default one). But however during our discussion on 04/10/2021, I just tried using default angle and motor rotates using Hall sensor as main sensor. Today it is not rotating again ??
One more question, the motor is able to run with 24V and when I use 36V, motor profiler failed to generate motor parameters (Measurement is taking too long). Hence tried motor parameters saved under 24V and using motor control workbench, it generates a fault overcurrent when click on Start Motor. May i know the reason for this issue??
2021-10-07 01:18 AM
Hello Vijay,
Once you changed your angle, are your two curves superimposed ?
Regarding your profiling issue, it is due to the overvoltage trigger that is set at 36 V for this board.
We plan to make it configurable in our roadmap, but for the time being, you can not profile at 36V and above.
Regarding the reason of your overcurrent, is very motor dependent, but changing the gain of your PID and the current target of your rev-up phase should fix this issue.
2021-10-07 01:31 AM
Hi @cedric H ,
So if we change the placement electrical angle, the measured angle and STO_PLL_angle should superimpose?? If yes, then need to use the same angle in the project where Hall Sensor as primary sensor ??
2021-10-07 01:39 AM
Yes, and yes, the purpose of having both angles plot at the same time is to compute the placement electrical angle to have both curves superimposed. This angle is actually a motor characteristic so it should be set for all the project using this motor, without distinction between primary or auxiliary sensor. The usage of auxiliary sensor is just a trick to be able to compute this placement angle.
I hope it is clear now.
2021-10-07 01:41 AM
Hi @cedric H ,
Thank you for your responses. Yeah I just want to make sure that whether my idea of placement of electrical angle is correct.
2021-10-08 01:48 AM
Hi @cedric H ,
Is it possible to use the parameters of motor at 24V and directly use 36V bus-voltage to run the motor in workbench?
2021-10-08 03:34 AM
But the profiler do more than computing motor parameters. It computes also the starting ramp, and PID coefficient. I am not sure if those values can be reused without any modification. If you observe an overcurrent, try to decrease the PID Gain.