2017-07-09 2:47 AM
Hello sir,
I meet a problem that I can present 6D positions now except (a) and (c) [both are related to left side] situations shown in LIS2DS12 application note. I can not find the problem. I output the 'position' exact data instead, for these two wrong situations, it is always shown 0, which should be shown 2 and 4 as expected. I'm thinking wether the x-axis is broken. Or are there any other reasons to cause this problem? (the 4th value after Get Acceleration shown the input interrupt value)
Get Acceleration: 38 897 -378 0Get Acceleration: 37 897 -378 0Get Acceleration: 39 900 -374 0Get Acceleration: 38 899 -377 0Get Acceleration: 110 937 -402 0Get Acceleration: 38 900 -373 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = DW_RS 8Get Acceleration: -1884 611 -850 0
position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = unknown 0Get Acceleration: 799 438 349 0
Get Acceleration: 986 -12 251 0Get Acceleration: 767 -604 341 0Get Acceleration: 815 -609 207 0Get Acceleration: 922 -338 92 0Get Acceleration: 996 -182 19 0Get Acceleration: 1024 -11 10 0Get Acceleration: 687 -510 81 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = unknown 0Get Acceleration: 540 -788 153 0
Get Acceleration: -245 -1085 66 0Get Acceleration: -124 -1023 81 0Get Acceleration: -296 -896 99 0Get Acceleration: -172 -1011 70 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = UP_RS 1Get Acceleration: -856 -181 275 0
Get Acceleration: -966 28 90 0Get Acceleration: -986 17 72 0Get Acceleration: -1128 57 99 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = unknown 0Get Acceleration: -297 -1046 164 0
Get Acceleration: 152 -1005 16 0Get Acceleration: 139 -1019 38 0Get Acceleration: -229 -1222 72 0Get Acceleration: 73 -951 242 0Get Acceleration: 747 -633 150 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = unknown 0Get Acceleration: 1066 -20 10 0
Get Acceleration: 1019 132 3 0Get Acceleration: 1006 145 -8 0Get Acceleration: 977 -180 96 0Get Acceleration: 875 -330 112 0Get Acceleration: 881 -362 527 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = UPFACE 32Get Acceleration: 431 -34 748 0
Get Acceleration: -124 69 971 0Get Acceleration: -217 100 968 0Get Acceleration: -242 111 978 0Get Acceleration: -156 30 827 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = unknown 0Get Acceleration: 789 260 478 0
Get Acceleration: 698 -364 331 0Get Acceleration: 1008 489 368 0Get Acceleration: 866 158 -242 0position change********** success 6D event function^_^ position = DOWNFACE 16#lis2d122017-07-11 5:02 AM
Can you share you sensor configuration and the code how do you parse the position from 6D_SRC register?
2017-07-11 10:10 AM