2025-02-07 9:28 PM
I configured both the accelerometer's and gyroscope's odr in asm330lhh to 6.667kHz, and used a FPGA to sample the acceleration and angular velocity as quickly as possible. The spi read start from 0x1E to 0x2F, which include both the ready bits and motion data. All the data sampled was sent out via uart at a frequency of 1kHz. Then i found the odr of accelerometer was quite slower than 6kHz, i don't know whether it's normal.The photo below is the record, tempCnt, gyroCnt and acclCnt represent the sum of the ready bit(get from 0x1E register) of temperature, gyroscope and accelerometer respectively in 1 millisecond. The attachment is the configuration code of asm330, is the configuration right? Or i missed any other details?
2025-02-20 7:40 AM