2020-07-30 9:32 AM
I'm trying to run the examples for X-NUCLEO-IDW0M1 WiFi expansion board and they doesn't work.
I'm using a nucleo F401RE which is supposed to be compatible with this expansion board. I just plug both boards and run the examples. Once the program is running I used the default SSID configuration (which I modified to be my own router configuration) and then the program gets stuck initializing the wifi module. Like the following picture:
After waiting for a while it prints HAL_UARTx_Receive_IT Error a lots of times.
I use the debug tool and it get stuck in the wifi_init()--> wifi_reset() and hung in this loop:
while(IO_status_flag.WiFi_WIND_State.WiFiHWStarted != WIFI_TRUE)
__NOP(); //nothing to do
Can anyone help me please? It is the second board that I used for this project because I think that the other one was no compatible, but I have the same error and I don't know what to do.
Thank you.