2016-03-24 10:07 PM
I have a X-Nucleo-IDW01M1 board on a Nucleo-F411re board. The board was working fine with some of the example projects. Suddenly it keeps going in and out of deep sleep with the red and blue LED going on and off. Tried to use AT command to set it back to factory default but no luck. Can you advise me how to recover the board?
2016-03-25 12:02 AM
Hi Howard,
you can:1 - force a factory reset (set GPIO0 high at startup)2 - exit deep sleep (set GPIO6 high) and then disable deepsleep (AT+CFUN=0)Regardsj2016-03-25 6:13 AM
I was able to restore factory default by setting GPIO0 to high at startup. Thank you!!!!2017-04-27 9:25 PM
Hello Harris,
I would like to ask if you rebuilt the .bin for F411RE specially please.
Because the sample apps are only for F401RE?!
And which sample apps worked for you before please?!
Thanks & Best Regards,