2022-11-02 12:18 PM
I am trying to communicate with VN9D30Q100F slave from TI SOC as a Master.
First command i am sending as 0xC2 to read product code 1 as a 58h. But in response i am able to get only Global status byte 0x41 as first byte and rest two bytes are 0. Second command if i send same i see that i am getting 0x01 as a global status byte but rest of the two bytes are 0.
Tried few other commands also like 0xC3, 0xC4.I am able to get only GSB in response correctly which indicates that Slave is in fail safe mode. But rest of the two bytes are not correct.
Can anybody help me with this issue to know what could be wrong here.
Thank you
2023-03-30 6:50 PM
You might try slowing down SPI communication to the chip and see if that works for you. I've noticed that in my application, SPI communication above 5Mb/s and the chip returns 0's for data.