2020-05-20 7:41 AM
Hello Support,
We selected the following TPM to design into a new product and chose the ST33HTPH20xxAHC3 part for the design. The product is a specialized Android tablet that is mounted outside conference rooms for room scheduling. We are now entering production, and with our first production run we are seeing TPM errors. Upon inspection, we found that our production run is using the same part number TPM, but it now has a 'V2' marked on the IC (see the picture at the bottom). In addition, we found the FW in the IC changed from 74.9 to 74.65.
We are using the android debugger (adb) command tpm_test -g and it will sometimes return the TPM properties, and between 5% and 60% of the time (depending on the particular device), it returns an error as shown in the picture below.
We would highly appreciate any information about this IC version change and FW change and help resolving this issue as our manufacturing is stopped until we have resolution. Is there a corresponding change to the driver we need in our Android device? Is this a known issue with a known solution?
Our detailed design and manufacture of the device is contracted to a company in China and they are looking for support from STMicro as well, but we would highly appreciate any help as well as they have not yet received support for this from ST Micro.
Thank you in advance for the support. This is fairly urgent. My email address is cgettler@arrow.com