2018-04-23 2:20 AM
Hello everyone! I'm currently working with STM32F407xx application and trying to connect it to BlueNRG-1 via SPI.
All that I have are RESETN and SPI MISO, MOSI, CLK and CS pins connected to bluetooth module. I'm tried to rewrite stm32f4-nucleo library to make it useful for my application, but got no success.And, honestly I'm not fully understand how to use BlueNRG-1 API in my case. I know that it is possible to program BlueNRG itself, but how to make it communicate with another MCU?Does BlueNRG have default firmware?Is it possble to get access to BlueNRG registers via SPI?I also could not find any clear examples of using BlueNRG-1 with other devices. Do everytihg I need is already included in BlueNRG-1 programming manual?
Any information would be helpful!#hal #spi #bluenrg-1 #stm32-f4 #initialization #connectivity2018-05-11 11:08 AM
program BlueNRG with firmware DTM already compiled in Dev Kit (firmware folder).
Next use example project from Project/STM32/SensorDemo as reference project.Of course, you need to tune your pins settings if you changed it comparing to the reference project.Regards,
Piotr Romaniuk