2018-03-13 04:17 AM
question about MQTT conection TLS:
how can i sent empty userID during MQTT Communication?
if parameter userID is NULL, nv_model used....
To open a connection with an MQTT Broker. The command returns a local ID =0, used in the correspondent commands. The device manages one MQTT connection at a time.
Usage: AT+S.MQTTCONN=<hostname>,[<port>],[<path>],[<TLS>],[<username>],[<passwd>],[<userID>],[<keep_alive>],[<retry>],[<lastWill_QoS>],[<lastWill_topic>],[<lastWill_message>]<cr>
Default: nv_model used during MQTT communications
2018-03-13 04:48 AM
Hello Yoann,
userID field maps to Client Identifier field in connect packet.
Client Identifier that has length of zero bytes is an optional feature not implemented in SPWF04's MQTT client.
You may want to use a userID which is a random string of 23 UTF-8 encoded bytes in length, and that contain only the characters '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' (unless the server allows longer string containing richer alphabets).