2017-09-01 3:24 AM
I have some trouble with getting disassociated because I reload one of my pages very often to get the newest SSI information on the webpage from the microcontroller. I get the message: '+WIND:72:Station Disassociated: ... :1'.
I am using the SPWF04 in MiniAP mode and with firmware 1.0.0
For testing I am using a html page with:
<body onload='window.location.reload(false)'>
In the user manual I found the variable wifi_txfail_thresh which is for the maximum number of lost packets before disassociation. When I set it to a higher number I don't get disassociated so fast. When I set it to 0 or 1 I get disassociated very fast.
With the standard value 5 it takes between 1 and 15 minutes after a reset until disassociation.My question is: Is it possible to disable the disassociation function? I don't want to be disassociated no matter how many packets are lost...
Thanks and regards