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SPWF01Sx.y1 FW3.5

Posted on January 29, 2016 at 17:41

Hi everybody,

this is to inform all of you that a new FW for SPWF01Sx, named 3.5, has just been released.

It includes new features...:


- AT+S.HTTPREQ (thanks to Flow forum user)


- AT+S.HTTPDFSWRITE (thanks to burton.mark forum user)

- etf_mode var

- console1_delimiter var (thanks to coghlin.patrick forum user)

- dhcp_lease_time var

- dns_mode var

- use_cgis var

- use_ssis var

- use_decoder var

- wifi_region (thanks to elia.marco.002 forum user)

...and bug fixing:

- automatic deletion of RAM files with the same name

- hidden AP (thanks to Joe forum user)

- decoding function to firstset/output_demo (thanks to Flow forum user)

- UART overrun (thanks to siebke.georg forum user)

It's still not on the website, but you can contact your ST contact/distributor...

Feel free to comment.

Best regards

Associate II
Posted on June 13, 2016 at 16:20


yes I'll use a external STM32. I was trying the command with a PC utility (Realtherm) because with the external STM32 it didn't work.

With your PC utility, the lines you posted are sent all together or separately?

If I send a single line (at+s.httpreq=,80,66\rGET / op.php HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: SPWF01SA1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\r) the module crashes; it works if I send ''at+s.httpreq=,80,66\r'' and ''GET / op.php HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: SPWF01SA1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\r'' separately.

I supposed the difference was the time: in the second case there was a delay between the command line and the data line, at least greater than the time set by the serial baud rate.

Curiously if I don't put the \r\n at the end of the data line, it works anyway... What did you mean in the previous post (''Do not forget to insert ''\r\n\r\n'' at the end of the packet'')?

