2016-06-28 01:00 AM
Hello, again.
In SPIRIT1 datasheet, in section of synthesizer band, especially for divider value, there are four values, i.e. divide-by-6, by-12, by-16 and by-32. But in File SPIRIT1-Library, which is part of SPIRIT1-DK Software, there is another value, divide-by-8, which give us a band 580-717 MHz. Is it possible SPIRIT1 to work in that Band? And, there are anither three combinatiopns of BS Field of SYNT0 Register - 000,110 and 111. Divide-by-? is on that combinations? Ah, by-the-way, I still wait for answer, for time to compute, AES Encryption. I measure it is about 30-40 us. Is it true? Sincerely: P. Pavlov, Electron consortium JSC, Sofia, Bulgaria