2019-11-13 8:24 PM
we have performed below following pre compliance test and found : -
1) Radiated Emission : - Passed.
2) Transmitter Spurious Test : - Passed
3) Receiver Spurious Test : - Failed (Getting harmonics at 4.8 GHz of -38dbm in Receive mode at channel 0 and 39 both and as per En 300328 standard passing limit is -47dbm ).
In module test report (Test Report No. ARSP00052-r) Receiver Spurious test passed and result mentioned as <-60dbm but no graphs available to verify results.
So Can anyone help that why we are getting harmonics peak of -38dbm at 4.8 GHz as we have just interfacing spbtle-rf module on spi with host controller stm32l431?
This module also having chip antenna and certified all test of EN 300328 standard CE but we are not able pass test.
I have attached graph when we have kept module in receive mode by aci command of receiver test.
Even we have tested module in ideal mode means just power on module and in that case it is passed means no harmonics present but in receiver mode harmonics detected.