2023-03-08 1:45 AM
We have a L152RE module connected to a RF transceiver called X-NUCLEO-S2868a2.
So, our mission is to measure some frames received from a water gateway by WMBus. We have implemented the firmware SUB1GHZ (written by ST). We receive the first block of the protocol but in the second one, there's one byte that repeats itself always.
Here's an example:
2e44ae4c994000027807a6b97a0b902005 3939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939393939
first block (header) Second block (Payload)
We are using the software downloaded from STM that I mentioned before. Payload should be encrypted but in this example is not, and we don't know what is it.
Besides, I measured it with another device and it shows different bytes.
Do you know what could it be?