2021-05-07 08:44 AM
Hello all,
I am using in my project a BlueNRG-232 chip in order to have a bluetooth function. I would like to speed UP the flash frequency of my BlueNRG chip. Currently I am limited to 50kHz and it is impossible to go up.
I am using a st link programmer V2 with the flasing software BlueNRJ-1 ST LINK utility.
I have checked all the wires, and they are ok. In addition, with the same connection, I can easily program the stm32 which drives the BlueNRG
Is it a frequent problem ? Has anyone ever encountered this issue ?
Best regards,
2021-05-09 03:43 AM
Hae a look with the scope at the signals. I expect long wiring and bad grounding your problem. Test if more ground wires help.
2021-05-11 02:28 AM
Ok thanks for your advice, I'm going to check that.